On Monday of this week, I had the opportunity to talk to Fox Business News personality Neil Cavuto during his Coast to Coast segment about how one of our competitors can create value for itself at a time when it is struggling with sales. In essence, by closing underperforming and going to a higher franchise model, our competitor can reduce its exposure to cost pressures like increased minimum wages and higher food commodity costs. Additionally, by increasing the number of franchise stores, the franchisor guarantees a stable and consistent revenue from franchisee top sales which shareholders and the market alike values.
Neil and I also spoke about our iconic burger ads and ability to target young hungry guys and gals. As I’ve said before in earlier entries, we know who we are and we know who are audience is. We don’t give an inch when it comes to giving our customers what they want and that has made us very successful. I wish we could apply some of the same logic to running our nation’s economy. If the economy is not improving, don’t do the same thing you’ve been doing. To get extraordinary results, you must be willing to try extraordinary things. Just look at our extraordinary burgers.
Speaking of results, I hope the upcoming presidential election gives Americans the opportunity to vote for individuals with a record of getting things done. To ensure our country and its people are positioned to compete in tomorrow’s global economy, we need leaders who will undertake meaningful tax, regulatory and immigration reforms, to name a few problem areas. We need leaders who will govern based on what’s right, not the latest polls. And, we need people like you to help elect them.