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Appearances: Fox & Friends – Trump’s Tax Cuts and Deregulations Grew the Economy, N

Earlier today, Andy joined Brian Kilmeade on Fox & Friends to discuss how Democratic presidential nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden has been taking credit for Trump’s booming economy. Andy pointed out that despite the White House’s 4% GDP predictions from 2009 – 2012, the Obama/Biden administration couldn’t even pull off one year of 3% GDP. He went on to point out that it wasn’t until President Trump cut taxes and reduced regulations that the economy began to soar.

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Additionally, Andy was asked if he would be substituting the word ‘free-market’ for ‘capitalism’ due the increased negative connotation of the word in our country, to which he said, “No- I’m going to continue to use capitalism to explain how it actually is the benevolent system, it’s socialism that encourages greed.”

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