In today’s 1:1 interview with Neil Cavuto, Andy said when looking at the trade issue debate there’s a big difference between using tariffs as a tool to try to get better trade deals, and using tariffs as a means to protect industries that are going to fail in your country. “President Trump is not trying to engage in a trade war, he’s trying to improve our trade agreements with other countries,” stated Andy.
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Andy contends that unfair trade isn’t necessarily free trade, and we shouldn’t associate walking away from a bad trade deal with walking away from ‘free trade,’ adding that even in a business negotiation you’d never get a deal in the first meeting – that’s an unreasonable expectation.
When asked if Trump is a true capitalist, Andy said while the president may not be a perfect capitalist he has “taken the country back to its instinctive base which is capitalism.”
At the end of the segment, Neil told viewers that Andy’s new book is a “very honest step back of all this portrayal of something that’s going on beneath the surface… capitalism has a chance and can do a lot of good if you give it that chance.”
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