This article originally appeared on Fox News on September 18, 2020.
Asked in Florida on Tuesday about his upcoming debate with President Trump, Joe Biden came on strong proclaiming “I’m looking forward to the debate and he’s a fool.” He even issued a warning – “Get ready, Mr. President. Here I come.”
Republicans would be wise to heed that warning. In reality, Biden is an experienced and talented debater. Anyone who saw him debate Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential running mate Paul Ryan in 2012 knows that.
Ryan is intelligent, articulate, and knowledgeable. The facts were in his favor and at his fingertips. Biden chewed him up and spit him out.
In the recent Democratic presidential primary debates, Biden was less cutting. But he was on stage with fellow Democrats who agreed with him on the core issues and whose support he knew he would need if nominated.
In his one-on-one debate with Bernie Sanders, Biden more than held his own against a tough competitor. He made no major errors nor were there any of his now-famous gaffes.
He did the job, stood his ground, and won the nomination.
To underestimate Biden’s debating abilities would a serious error.
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