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Op-Ed: Manchin is right to call out the far-left's fiscal irresponsibility and budgetary chicanery

This article originally appeared on Fox News on November 8, 2021

As inflation surges and supply chains collapse, Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., stands as a thin blue line between the American people and economic disaster. The West Virginia Democrat is—save perhaps his independent-minded colleague from Arizona Sen. Krysten Sinema—the only one protecting the American people from his Party’s fiscally reckless and economically dangerous $1.75 trillion reconciliation package. Democrats should be thanking him, instead of vilifying him, for restraining their worst impulses.

Manchin held a press conference a week ago during which he said he will not support the "Build Back Better" plan President Joe Biden and progressive Democrats are desperate to pass until there is "greater clarity" about how it will impact the economy and national debt. His words resonate across party lines and make him a voice of reason within the Democratic Party.

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