This article originally appeared on Fox News on February 20, 2020.
The presidential candidate debate Wednesday night showed that Democrats simply have no idea how to defeat President Trump in the November election – and their frustration was on full display.
Not one of the six Democrats on stage in Las Vegas even claimed to have a plan to increase economic growth, create jobs and grow wages – areas in which President Trump has had great success and benefitted the American people.
Democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont; former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg; former Vice President Joe Biden; Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts; former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg; and Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota all focused on taxing Americans who have been successful and redistributing that wealth through massive government-controlled welfare programs.
What separates the candidates is the degree to which they want taxes and government to grow, and how many job-killing restrictions they want to put on the private sector.
But even the so-called “moderate” candidates are advocating programs so massive that their most aggressive tax plans would be wholly insufficient to fund them.
The candidates might as well have told potential voters that they intend to tax employers to the point where they are unable to invest in their businesses, create jobs or raise workers’ wages. That’s hardly an effective campaign slogan.
If you listened closely, you also heard what I believe will cost the Democrats the election: their refusal to acknowledge the obvious fact that the U.S. economy – and working-class Americans in particular – are doing quite well. Rather, the candidates fell all over themselves trying to outdo each other on claims that Americans are suffering.
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