Today, on Varney & Co., Stuart Varney and I discussed our country’s current economic situation. Varney cited the “economic disconnect” between the Administration’s rosy economic projections and the reality that Americans face every day. The segment titled Nearly 1 in 4 Americans in their prime not working? focuses on the fact that 23% of workers in their prime age (25-54) are either unemployed or not looking for work.
Jobs are harder to find because business is harder to build in today’s over-regulated climate. It’s difficult for American business to prosper and create more jobs when the list of business-stifling regulations keeps increasing:
Energy costs are rising
Obamacare drives up medical coverage costs which drives up labor costs
Potential national minimum wage increase of 40% will increase labor costs
Increased taxes on entrepreneurs hinder their ability to grow and create more jobs
National Labor Relations Board’s recent joint employer ruling threatens the franchise business model that has encouraged countless American small business owners, creating jobs and broad-based economic growth
The government should stick to its core functions so business owners can stick to ours. The private sector creates jobs, opportunities and prosperity unmatched by any government program, agency or mandate. The private sector wants a partner in government, not an obstacle. To see the full segment on Varney & Co., click here.