The massive government-run health insurance program known as ObamaCare is impacting Americans everywhere. The more people find out what is in the new law, the more questions they have about it.
As Honorary Co-Chairs of the American Freedom and Enterprise Foundation, Senator Jim Talent and I are hosting an Online Town Hall on ObamaCare on Tuesday, April 8, at 12:00 pm central time to answer your questions and listen to your concerns about ObamaCare.
We have invited two special guests to join us. Lanhee Chen, a Hoover Institution Research Fellow and a former policy advisor for Governor will be online as our policy expert. And Dr. Chuck Willey, the CEO of Innovate Health Advocates will be with us to answer your questions on how ObamaCare is impacting patients, doctors and America’s health care system as a whole.
The town hall forum is open to everyone. You can pre-register for the event by adding your email here and also join the event via Facebook.
We hope you will join us and help spread the word by sharing this event with your personal and professional networks.