Last night, Andy joined Martha and former Obama chief economist Austan Goolsbee to discuss the U.S. Customs and Border Protection reports of a ‘full blown emergency’ at the border, with 132,887 apprehensions in May alone. When asked about his thoughts on Trump’s firm stance on a tariff to address the border crisis, Andy argued that something must be done and if congress has a better solution, they should propose it. “We’ve gone from a crisis to a dire emergency and nobody else is coming up with anything… if congress isn’t going to support him [Trump], there’s not a lot of other choices,” said Andy.
When Goolsbee suggested the passing of a law by the president as an alternative, Andy quickly reminded him that presidents don’t pass laws, congress does, and unfortunately the Democrats will not pass a law on this.
In closing, Andy added that the tariff has already been at least partially successful as the Mexicans are at the table this week, so hopefully it will bring some resolution to the issue. “Long-term the solution should be legislation, but both parties [Republicans and Democrats] are going to have to work together to accomplish that and I think as everybody knows, that’s not going to happen before the election,” Andy concluded.
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