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Appearances: The Evening Edit with Liz MacDonald – Trump’s Economic Success has the Left Scare

Last night, Andy sat down with Liz MacDonald to discuss President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union and the Democrat’s reactions throughout.

“His economic success has the left scared to death,” stated Puzder. “It puts the lie to everything they’ve been promoting since Obama was elected, and what the progressives have been promoting for 100 years,” said Andy. “The idea that bigger government and more government programs will benefit American workers better than free-market capitalist policies…Trump is putting the lie to all of that… he is smashing this notion that a government-run economy or socialist type of economy would work in this country.”

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When asked about Democratic New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s reactions to the president’s speech, Andy noted, “It’s just ridiculous, they’re really setting themselves up. I think the next two years are going to be tremendous for the American worker, they are going to be tremendous for the economy. As the president said, we’ve got more people working… we have about 7 million job openings and only about 6.4 million people unemployed…wages are up, [we have seen] the highest wage increases year over year in a decade and [workers are] taking home more of what they earn because of the tax cuts. You are going to see consumer spending which drives two-thirds of our economic growth while also encouraging businesses to invest.”

Also discussed was Stacey Abrams, the Democrat who offered a rebuttal to Trump’s State of the Union address, and her negative statements regarding the Republican tax cuts. Liz MacDonald read the Associated Press fact check which stated, “The economy is doing better in the wake of the Trump administration’s tax cuts than Abrams suggests. The number of people seeking unemployment benefits, a proxy for layoffs, briefly fell to a five-decade low last month. And average hourly pay is running ahead of inflation.”

When asked for his thoughts, Andy responded, “It is getting harder and harder to deny that the tax cuts and deregulation have been incredibly beneficial for the American economy. The numbers the president went through were all true… we have more people working, they’re making more money, businesses are investing – the economy’s going through this incredible economic boom.”

In closing, Andy notes, “This [negative reaction] is going to hurt the Democrats. The economy is booming and it’s going to help Republicans and I think people are smart enough to figure out this is because of President Trump’s capitalist free-market policies and if we stick with him, we are going to continue to benefit as a nation.”

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