Fox & Friends Earlier this morning, Andy sat down with Steve Doocy of Fox & Friends to discuss a new survey conducted by Harris Poll/Axios, which found that 50 percent of Generation Z and Millennials prefer living in a socialist country and 61 percent of that demographic favor socialism to capitalism.
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When asked where these generations are learning so much about socialism, Andy said, “It’s in the schools… The schools have been…dominated by progressive socialists… You don’t really learn economics, you don’t learn civics… you don’t learn American history, they learn sort of an anti-American history. It’s also good to keep in mind what Churchill said which was that ‘If you aren’t a liberal when you are 20, you have no heart and if you aren’t a conservative when you’re 40 you have no brain.'” He then goes on to address that as you look at age in relation to the approval rate of socialism, it drastically declines to about 27 percent in favor among the baby boomer generation. “It changes over time. Reality can change very optimistic opinions,” adds Andy.
Steve then brings up the current realities of Venezuela as an example of the dangers of socialism, to which Andy said, “In 2011, this was the richest city in South America… but the people there gave up their vote. What happens in a capitalist society is you vote with every dollar you spend on what succeeds and what fails. When you elect socialist leaders to take over the economy, you give up your vote. Entrepreneurs no longer have an interest in satisfying the needs of consumers, consumers become powerless, and you end up with poverty and want.”
In closing, the two touch base on the newest Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs number report, which disclosed that only 20,000 jobs were added in February. Andy argued that the recent polar vortex that swept the Midwest was likely a major factor with these numbers, but that it is also very important to remember that there are two surveys – even though the labor market added fewer jobs than expected last month, the number of people working actually increased by 255,000 while the number of people unemployed declined by 300,000. Therefore, for American workers – the economy is still roaring [for more details on this topic: Here’s what Nancy Pelosi got ALL wrong about February job numbers].
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Varney & Co. Next, Andy joined Stuart Varney to discuss President Trump’s controversial work requirements needed to receive welfare benefits. When asked for his thoughts on whether or not these stipulations were fair, Andy argued, “Of course it’s fair…Bill Clinton put work requirements in welfare. They already exist in snap benefits and some other programs…The way you get self-respect and pride is by what you do in your job, what you accomplish, what you achieve. When you encourage people not to work, you encourage them not to have self-respect.”
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Stuart then inquired about whether or not there were any accommodations for those struggling with young children. “There absolutely are hardship exemptions and there should be,” said Andy. However, he added that those who are able to work, should work!
Next discussed was the NFIB’s report of a slight uptick in small business optimism despite a low first-quarter GDP forecast and what it means. Andy pointed out two factors likely contributed to the less than one percent 2019 first quarter GDP forecast. First, he explained that the government shutdown impacted business investments and employee expansion, second, he said that the polar vortex in the Midwest likely caused many hardships within the workforce and also likely caused a dip in consumer spending as people were advised to not even leave their house. “There were things that had an impact on growth…The big mistake was just looking at the number of jobs created and not looking at the broader data,” argued Andy.
In closing, Andy said, “People are making more money. It’s harder to find a blue-collar worker than it is to find a white-collar worker…this is a great time for working Americans…Democrats shouldn’t try and hide that.”
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