Andy recently joined Lara Trump on her Real News Insights show to discuss how we can bring back a booming economy once the country re-opens post-Coronavirus. The interview was also posted to President Trump’s Facebook page.
First, the two talked about the stimulus package and what it means for the country. “There’s never been a package like this for working Americans,” said Andy. He then pointed out the numerous forms of assistance provided to small businesses, individual Americans and more in the CARES Act. Andy explained that the Act’s small business loans and provisions will help do what needs to be done in order to keep doors open and once things are back to normal, the government will absorb those loans. “A lot of these businesses would have disappeared. I’m not sure without this [CARES Act], that we would have been able to survive,” added Andy.
Andy and Lara then both agreed that President Trump is the right leader to get us through this trying time and back on track after the Coronavirus. “If when this ends, President Trump is re-elected [and] reimplements his policies, I think we’ll see the economy surge back,” Andy said.
In closing, Andy was asked how Trump has leveraged the private sector during the pandemic, to which Andy said, “He [Trump] understands the private sector… Everyday it seems he’s meeting with another industry sector to understand their problems to see how he can help them and to see how they can help the economy in general and workers across America.”
Interview posted to the President of the United States’ Facebook Page (28.8M followers):
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