On Monday, I talked with Bloomberg TV’s “Street Smart” host Trish Regan about Obamacare’s impact on business, employees and the economy. During the segment, we discussed the Supreme Court’s recent decision to hear a case on the legality of Obamacare’s federal exchange subsidies. From a legal standpoint, I personally don’t see the Court upholding the federal exchanges.
Further into the discussion, I also pointed out that thanks to the ACA, employee work hours are being reduced to a 30-hour work week. That’s hardly a sound strategy to increase people’s income. Another effect of Obamacare is that it’s slowing business growth. That’s hardly a sound strategy to boost our economy. Unfortunately, the current execution of Obamacare is resulting in a lot of negative repercussions across the board. We need to pass the “40 hours is full time” bipartisan bill that redefines full-time work as 40 hours per week. That would be a step in the right direction for employees and for business.
To view the full Bloomberg TV segment, click here.