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Appearances: Varney & Co. – President Trump Deserves Credit for the U.S. Economic Surge

Yesterday, Andy sat down with Stuart Varney to discuss his Wall Street Journal op-ed titled, “Trump Kicked the Sluggish Economy Into High Gear.” While Andy notes the massive spike in people working and weekly take-home earnings, he is most impressed with the number of jobs per month available under Trump’s leadership. “The number that really blew me away and caused me to write this article was job openings. Under the last 21 months with President Obama, there were about 857 job openings added per month. Under President Trump, 75,000 jobs a month. This is not the Obama economy,” argued Andy. “This is a sea change– an economic sea change based on what we’ve been talking about for years; smaller government, lower taxes, reduced regulation, and domestic energy is driving this surge. It is not Obama’s surge in any respect.”

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Andy was also asked as to whether or not this surge might be losing steam with the Atlanta Fed’s forecast of a two percent GDP in Q4. In closing, Andy notes that projections aren’t always correct and we shouldn’t worry. “We are seeing very solid growth but we’ll just have to wait and see what fourth quarter is. Even if we see the 2.8 percent the Atlanta Fed is projecting, we’re still going to have our first three percent GDP year since 2005, so we’re seeing a lot of progress.”

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